Tip Into a New Year with New Resolutions!
Hello 2020, it’s a new year!!! This is the time of the year where most people spend time resetting. We as women are notorious for setting weight loss goals, career goals, personal goals, family goals, beauty goals, etc. These goals can either be new goals, roll over goals from the previous year, or recycled goals from the prior years. However, we often do not move forward with achieving our goals. Every year I, make resolutions and do not move forward with them. I will admit that on December 31st, I had very good intentions to even attempt to achieve said goals, however, life, insecurities, emotional instabilities, and everything else in between, all resolutions become an EPIC FAIL!!! So, what can be done to help us to achieve the goals that we set for our new year resolutions?
Tip #1: The first thing to think about when setting resolutions is whether our goals are attainable. DO NOT set goals that are too big. We are so caught up in wanting to make changes that we do not focus on setting goals that are relatively small enough for us to see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Aim for goals that can be kept, goals that are easily incorporated into your daily routine.
Tip #2: Amongst all of the goals that we set, we must focus on one goal at a time. Going back to the first tip, use your smallest goal to help replace an unhealthy behavior.
Tip #3: When assembling any plan, it is important to have a blueprint. Outline and write down your goals. Also, talk about your resolution and the goals that you would like to set and meet. This makes intentions real and achievable.
Tip #4: When sharing your resolution with friends, be sure to share them with someone that is willing to support you through the journey of meeting your goals. Do not be afraid to ask for help from these individuals and others that may be resourceful in assisting you. If you feel overwhelmed during this process, do not be afraid to seek professional help.
Tip #5: This is the most important tip of them all, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP if you are unable to achieve goals within the time period for which you have set. Remember that minor setbacks will occur. Use those setbacks to fire your efforts to achieve your goals.
Remember that each tip will give you a fighting chance to set and achieve goals for the new year, as well as throughout the year. Remember to hold yourself accountable each and everyday throughout the process, and success will be right around the corner ready to greet you with a huge smile.
If you have any natural hair goals that you would like to achieve in 2020, please contact me to set up a free consultation to discuss how we can meet your goal together as a team.